FreeWalkers T.R. 50Mile Trek 2025


FreeWalkers T.R. 50Mile Trek 2025 -

Have you ever considered walking 50 miles in a day? 

Did it ever occur to you that you COULD?

Or that you could work towards that goal?

If yes, then FreeWalkers invites you to join us the weekend of February 7-9, 2025 to accomplish in one day what two United States Presidents expected select military officers to accomplish in three days!

How on earth did we come up with such a crazy (but fun, inspiring, and absolutely possible) idea???

Let’s journey back…


FreeWalkers founder, Paul Kiczek, decided to share his life-long passion for walking with others by forming our organization and inaugurating a New Jersey-based 50mile walk. Growing up in the the 1960s, Paul was inspired by two famous historical brothers, John and Robert Kennedy. 

Let’s journey further back…


In 1962, President John F. Kennedy discovered an old Executive Order that challenged select members of the U.S. military to meet certain fitness standards. He passed this Order along to Marine General, David M. Shoup, with a note that states, in part:  “Should your report to me indicate that the strength and stamina of the modern Marine is at least equivalent to that of his antecedents, I will then ask Mr. Salinger to look into the matter personally and give me a report on the fitness of the White House Staff.”

By the following year, Marine General Shoup had begun testing Marines with this 50mile challenge.  According to an Associated Press article issued on February 5, 1963, six Marines had taken the challenge.  Four were successful. 

Four days after this AP article came out, Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy successfully took that 50mile challenge in order to set an example and demonstrate the “fitness of the White House Staff.”

Fifty years later, Paul brought a group down to the C&O Canal to replicate RFK’s 50mile walking route.  For many years, FreeWalkers replicated that walk, known as the “FreeWalkers Kennedy50.”

But we still need to journey back one more time…


All the way back to President Theodore Roosevelt

Because T.R. (as President Roosevelt was often called) was the one who actually issued Executive Order 989 – the Order that ultimately inspired JFK, RFK, and, eventually, all of us.

While his order actually said that the 50mile distance was to be “divided into three days” using ANY route, we are going to do this in ONE DAY on a new-ish route.

And now… back to the future!



February 7-9!!!

  • FreeWalkers’ T.R. 50-Mile Trek 2025 will take place the weekend of February 7-9, 2025.

    Stay tuned for updates as more details become available!

  • This will be a 50-mile route with support stops along the way.

    The route will start at John Brown's Fort in Harpers Ferry, and proceed northwest toward Shepherdstown, W.V along the C&O Canal towpath. After a breakfast stop, walkers will return via the same route to Harpers Ferry. Encouraging walkers you’ll meet walking in the opposite direction is optional, but certainly suggested. After enjoying lunch, walk along the shores of the Potomac River, the route heads southeast along the C&O Canal towpath to Point of Rocks where a hot snack will be waiting for you. The trip “home” is a return along the same route.

  • Registration (and fees) will be required. All details as to what the registration fees do and do not include, additional hotel, transportation, and parking information, refund policies, and other details can be found on our Eventbrite Registration page.

  • While the commitment to walk 50 miles will be a challenge and will require preparation, training, and some experience, it is not only possible, but that can happen with practice, guidance, and support. And that is what FreeWalkers is about – motivating and inspiring each other to take these challenges and work together to make them happen.

    Over the next several months, our FreeWalkers team will be there to provide that – through Virtual Challenges, tips/advice, inspiring stories, and other means of encouragement via our Newsletter, possible videoconference meetings, and regular posts on our social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn).

From Bobby... to YOU! -

From Bobby... to YOU! -